COVID-19 Updates

This page contains all of MUHC’s updates and information regarding the impact of COVID-19 on our activities. More information and updates is also available from these related organisations:

22 July - HV Winter Season Cancelled

Hi Shoppers,

As you will likely be aware by now, HV have announced that with the return to Stage 3 restrictions, the planned winter season (across all competition grades) will sadly not proceed. This decision was informed by the unpredictability of feasibly returning to training and match play in the following months. However, with the amount of interest shown by the hockey community HV are continuing to engage with stakeholders with regards to possible 8-week, venue-based, graded summer competitions from mid-October 2020. MUHC is also looking at our own potential summer offerings.

From the response to our previous EOI form, it was evident a lot of us were buoyed by the prospect of a season or even training going ahead. It is understandably saddening hearing news of the cancellation, though certainly a minor consideration in the context of the broader impacts of the ongoing pandemic. We wish that all MUHC members take some time to look after yourselves and also your families through all this.

Register for MUHC membership

Though the season has been cancelled, we would ask that you still register with MUHC (if you have not already done so), but select $0 non-playing registration option.

This will help us in preparing for next year, but also, importantly, will mean that the club formally still has members in 2020. It won't cost you anything other than a few minutes of your time, as the club's membership fees for 2020 have now been set at $0 ('cheapest fees in the world'™!).

MUHC fee refunds

For those who have already paid MUHC membership fees for this year, you have two options:

  1. Do nothing, in which case your payment will be treated as a 2021 membership payment, effectively at a 'earlier early bird' rate (avoiding any 2021 fee increases).

  2. Contact the Treasurer, Peter Bolling ( and request a refund.

Refunds will normally be processed back on to the card that you used to pay with (as this is both a lot simpler for us to arrange, but also means that the club isn't left out-of-pocket for the transaction fee, as this gets refunded too). So if that card's no longer applicable, please let Peter know and provide your bank details for an EFT instead.

Though the season has been cancelled, the club has still had expenses to pay this year, particularly around training and preparing for the anticipated season commencements. If you are able to leave your membership payment with us for 2021, this will help the club manage its cash flow over the summer.

For those who've paid for uniforms that you've been unable to collect, we'll be contacting you about arranging a refund for that.

HV registration refunds

Hockey Victoria are yet to determine what, if any, refund or credit arrangements will apply to individual membership that you pay when registering (noting that it includes HA and insurance components as well as HV).


If you have the capacity (and we very much appreciate that many people are experiencing hardship as a result of everything this year), please consider making a (tax-deductable) donation to MUHC in lieu of membership. As mentioned, the club has still had expenses this year, and any support we can get will help the club navigate these uncertain times, and keep fees down as much as possible next year. Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated!

We hope all our members are staying safe and keeping active during this challenging period and remain optimistic about the future of MUHC hockey, whenever the next season may be.

7 July - Suspension, again, of all activities

Dear Shoppers,

Until further notice, MUHC is once again suspending all club activities, effective immediately. This is in light of the reinstatement of Stage 3 restrictions for metropolitan Melbourne by the state government.

We will continue to keep you informed with any updates from Hockey Victoria as to what this means for the potential for a hockey season of some sort in 2020.

James Stewart

3 June - Safely returning to Hockey

Dear Shoppers,

In line with restrictions, guidelines, and advice from government, Hockey Victoria, and the University, we are beginning to re-commence some activities.

What’s happening?

Training for the top squads is re-commencing. Right now, this is just fitness, but from Tuesday 9 June it will include limited on-pitch training, within the bounds of current restrictions. For other teams, training will not re-commence until closer to a season start date (tbc, see below for more details), and when government and facility restrictions make this feasible. Updates will be communicated as available.

What do I need to do?

Before re-commencing training with the club, you must:

  1. Complete the MU Sport COVID-19 Club Member Health Check.

  2. Familiarise yourself with and adhere to our Return to Play Training Plan and its procedures.
    Important!: only attend training sessions you have specifically been invited to (so that we can ensure correct numbers), do not attend if you may be risking spreading infection, maintain physical distancing, and practice good hygiene. As restrictions change, we will revise these procedures and keep you updated.

Please also fill out this EOI form to let us know whether or not you still intend to play hockey this year. Please respond even if you’re planning on not playing (so that we then know that). This will help us work out how many and which teams to enter.

The season

Details from HV on the intentions for an upcoming season can be found here. Some key points:

  • Either a 3-month (preferred) or 2-month (minimum) season, concluding (for regular rounds) by the end of October. Start date is dependent on government of course and therefore entirely tbc, but definitely would not be earlier than 10 July.

  • All grades would have finals: either a top four (2-3 weeks tbc) in the 3-month competition, or just a 1v2 grand final under the minimum-length model.

  • No promotion/relegation. 2021 grades will be as planned at the start of 2020 (regardless of if particular teams aren’t entered in the revised 2020 competition).

  • Slight reduction in the HV individual membership fee ($8.50 for seniors), including for those who’ve already registered.

  • Reduction in team entry costs to clubs.

MUHC fees

Club membership fees will be reduced, given the proposed shorter season lengths. Exact amounts are still to be determined. Those who’ve already paid will be refunded the difference.

2 June - Update

Hi Shoppers,

As government restrictions start to ease the committee has been working through return to hockey plans. As these are reliant on guidelines from HV, Melbourne University and the Victorian Government, we are working as best we can with the information that we have.

A quick summary is that at this stage all activities require 1.5m social distancing and cannot be competitive. For full clarification please see updates here:

Our premier league teams have returned to training and we are working on providing opportunities for pennant and metro to do the same. As there is still no certainty on what the season may look like, our planning of trainings for the entirety of the club is at the behest of Victorian Government updates.

As new plans are made, updates will be released through our passback newsletter and on facebook. As we’ve been inundated with emails regarding the season, we ask that you instead follow these channels and await updates as our typical response to these emails is that we don’t yet have enough detail to answer.

We welcome any other enquires not related to the 2020 season through the ‘contact us’ tab.

The committee otherwise hopes you’re all staying safe and well as we look forward to the return to hockey.

Jackson Matthews

30 March - Update

Dear Shoppers,

As we approach the milestone of what would have been Round 1 of the season, many of you have questions about where things are at, so hopefully we can address some of those here.

First off, it remains Hockey Victoria’s aim to play a hockey season, in some form, at some stage, in 2020. They’re investigating and considering a range of possible scenarios around starting dates, duration, etc, including using spring and/or summer. This is of course all speculative and hypothetical at this stage – but we and they hope that it will indeed come to fruition.

With respect to refunds, as a few people have asked about: the season has not currently been cancelled, and so we’re not currently issuing refunds for MUHC membership fees. Having said that, there are two scenarios in which we will refund your fees (on request) now:

  1. If you’re experiencing financial hardship

  2. If you’re a non-resident/citizen of Australia and have had to return to your home country (and thus are definitely going to miss the season, whenever it is), e.g. students who were here on exchange for the first half of the year

If you do fall into one of these categories, please contact Peter Bolling (

For everyone else, we ask that you please remain optimistic and understanding. A significant proportion of MUHC’s annual expenses have already been paid for the year (team entry fees, uniform & equipment purchases, pre-season costs, etc), and we do have some ongoing, unavoidable, operating costs. The membership fees that we’ve received to date are vital to enabling the club to best bridge the current period and be in a good position to ramp up again when hockey recommences.

If the 2020 season does get cancelled, then as previously committed, we will offer everyone the option of either a refund, or to use your 2020 payment as a ‘super early bird’ payment for 2021. Similarly, if the season length ends up being shortened, we’ll assess the impact of that on fees at that time.

Please be patient with us through this – the Committee are all volunteers and we’re continuing to do our best to navigate the club through this extraordinary challenge.

In the meantime, remember to try to keep active (whilst following advice and instructions from government and health organisations), and connected. Some teams are organising video catch-ups and home fitness sessions, and you can also share #sweatyshoppersselfie photos on Facebook or Instagram.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay happy.

James Stewart

17 March - Suspension of all club activities

Dear Shoppers,

Until further notice, MUHC is suspending all club activities. This includes training, practice matches, and events, for all teams.

Given the University’s decision to close its sporting facilities, for most teams this was largely the case already, but the Committee feels the most prudent and sensible course of action is to extend this to all teams and activities for the time being.

We will continue to assess the situation and consider our position with respect to participation in HV competitions, should they commence as currently scheduled (as HV’s latest advice is that they will). We welcome feedback and input from members on this – please feel free to contact myself ( or Jackson ( One way or another, we hope that we are all able to safely return to the sport of hockey that we all love soon.

Lastly, please also be mindful of your own and others' mental health throughout all this. Physical social distancing and/or self-isolation need not and should not mean complete isolation - it's important to continue to connect with and reach out to your friends and clubmates.

Look after yourselves in these extraordinary times.

James Stewart

16 March

Hi Shoppers,

An important update about the status of training below with more information coming pending Hockey Victoria's decision at 2pm tomorrow.

  • From Midnight on Tuesday 17 March, the University will close all museums and galleries as well as Melbourne University Sports Facilities (amongst other measures that the University is taking). Training at Uni will therefore be cancelled indefinitely after tomorrow. Those teams scheduled to train tomorrow may train if they wish.

  • The 'MUHC Season Launch' planned for this Saturday (21st March) is also cancelled.

  • Hockey Victoria will be making an announcement at 2pm tomorrow regarding what will be happening with club hockey. MUHC will provide further updates subsequent to that.