InterVarsity Titles & Results

The University of Melbourne competed in the first InterVarsity Hockey matches (1908 - women, and 1909 - men), and has won more IV titles than any other university (in both the men's & women's competitions).

Men’s Titles

26 wins:

  • 1909

  • 1911, 1912^, 1913, 1914, 1919^

  • 1923

  • 1925, 1926

  • 1928, 1929

  • 1932*

  • 1934

  • 1936, 1937*, 1938, 1939

  • 1960

  • 1968

  • 1986

  • 1990, 1991

  • 1999, 2000

  • 2012, 2013

Women's titles

35 wins:

  • 1909

  • 1912, 1914, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922

  • 1925, 1926

  • 1929

  • 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936*

  • 1939, 1946*

  • 1952, 1953*, 1954, 1955, 1956*

  • 1959

  • 1962

  • 1964*, 1965

  • 1968, 1969

  • 1982

  • 1990

  • 1992

  • 2011

  • 2013

  • 2022

* Joint winner
^ Match drawn (trophy retained)

Full Results History

AUG & UniNats (1993-Present)

From 1993, the InterVarsity Hockey competition has been held as part of the Australian University Games. In 2018, AUG was replaced by / re-branded as 'Uni Nationals'.

Year Venue Women Men
Result Winner # of Unis Result Winner # of Unis
2024 TBC (did not attend due to tournament falling during the semester)
2023 Gold Coast 5th Sydney 13 4th Tasmania 10
2022 Perth 1st Melbourne 15 3rd Curtin 11
2021 Gold Coast (tournament cancelled)
2020 Perth (tournament cancelled)
2019 Gold Coast 6th Sydney 7 2nd UQ 8
2018 Gold Coast 5th QUT 5 3rd UQ 5
2017 Gold Coast 10th UWA 16 2nd UQ 14
2016 Perth 3rd UWA 15 5th UWA 11
2015 Gold Coast 5th Sydney 20 3rd Monash 19
2014 Sydney 2nd Sydney 13 2nd UQ 17
2013 Gold Coast 1st Melbourne 18 1st Melbourne 16
2012 Adelaide 2nd Sydney 13 1st Melbourne 16
2011 Gold Coast 1st Melbourne 16 3rd Sydney 16
2010 Perth 5th UWA 16 6th UWA 16
2009 Gold Coast 3rd UWA 19 4th UWA 18
2008 Melbourne 5th QUT 17 3rd UWA 18
2007 Gold Coast 15th Sydney 20 2nd UWA 18
2006 Adelaide 7th Sydney 15 2nd UWA 15
2005 Brisbane 4th Charles Sturt 17 2nd UWA 15
2004 Perth 3rd QUT ? UWA
2003 Newcastle 2nd Sydney ? RMIT
2002 Adelaide ? Sydney 3rd Curtin
2001 Sydney ? Sydney 2nd RMIT
2000 Ballarat 2nd Sydney 1st Melbourne
1999 Perth ? Sydney 1st Melbourne
1998 Melbourne ? Deakin ? Canberra
1997 Melbourne ? Deakin ? Tasmania
1996 Canberra 2nd Sydney ? Canberra
1995 Darwin 4th Sydney 5th UWA
1994 Wollongong ? Wollongong ? Wollongong
1993 Brisbane 5th or 6th UQ DNQ QUT

Combined IV (1978-1992)

In this period, the Men's and Women's InterVarsity Hockey competitions were held as a combined event.

Year Venue Women Men
Result Winner # of Unis Result Winner # of Unis
1992 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 3rd RMIT
1991 Perth ? New England 1st Melbourne
1990 Hobart 1st Melbourne 1st Melbourne
1989 Sydney ? UNSW ? New England
1988 Newcastle ? Sydney ? New England
1987 Brisbane ? UQ ? UNSW
1986 Adelaide 5th Sydney 1st Melbourne
1985 Sydney ? UQ ? UQ
1984 Wollongong ? UQ ? ANU
1983 Perth 7th Tasmania 14 7th ANU 12
1982 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 15 ? UWA 14
1981 Brisbane ? UQ ? UQ
1980 Melbourne 9th New England 13 7th UWA 14
1979 Hobart 12th Tasmania 14 3rd Tasmania 15
1978 Canberra ? Sydney 7th ANU

InterVarsity prior to 1978

Year Women Men
Venue Result Winner # of Unis Venue Result Winner # of Unis
1977 Perth ? UWA Melbourne 5th ANU 13
1976 Melbourne ? New England Sydney 13th UWA 14
1975 Newcastle 6th UWA Adelaide 10th Tasmania 13
1974 Adelaide ? UWA Perth ? UWA
1973 ? UWA Sydney ? UQ, UNSW
1972 ? Sydney Melbourne ? UNSW
1971 Adelaide ? Tasmania Brisbane ? UQ
1970 ? Monash Melbourne ? UWA
1969 1st Melbourne Hobart ? Tasmania
1968 Hobart 1st Melbourne Armidale 1st Melbourne
1967 ? Adelaide Canberra Equal 4th UQ 11
1966 ? Adelaide, UWA Adelaide ? UQ
1965 1st Melbourne Sydney ? Adelaide
1964 1st Melbourne, Adelaide Perth 4th UQ 8+
1963 ? UWA Brisbane ? UQ
1962 Armidale 1st Melbourne Sydney ? UQ
1961 ? Adelaide Hobart ? Sydney, UWA
1960 ? Sydney Adelaide 1st Melbourne
1959 1st Melbourne Melbourne ? Sydney
1958 Perth ? UWA Perth ? UQ
1957 Hobart ? Tasmania ? Adelaide
1956 1st Melbourne, Sydney Brisbane ? UQ, Adelaide, Sydney
1955 Brisbane 1st Melbourne Hobart ? Tasmania
1954 Hobart 1st Melbourne 6 Adelaide 3rd to 5th UQ 6
1953 Perth 1st Melbourne, UWA 4 Melbourne 3rd UQ 5
1952 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 5 Perth 5th Adelaide, UWA 5
1951 Adelaide 3rd Adelaide 5 Sydney 3rd Sydney 6
1950 Hobart 2nd Adelaide 6 Brisbane 2nd UQ 5
1949 Brisbane ? Sydney 4 to 6 Hobart 2nd UQ 5
1948 Sydney 4th Sydney 6 Adelaide 5th Adelaide 6
1947 Melbourne 5th Adelaide 6 Melbourne 2nd Adelaide 6
1946 Adelaide 1st UWA, Melbourne, Sydney 6 Perth 2nd UWA 4
1945 (competition still suspended) Sydney 2nd UQ 4
1940-44 (competition suspended due to World War 2)
1939 Brisbane 1st Melbourne 4 Sydney 1st Melbourne 4
1938 Hobart 2nd Tasmania 5 Adelaide 1st Melbourne 5
1937 (tournament cancelled) Brisbane 1st Melbourne 4
1936 Sydney 1st Melbourne, UQ 5 Melbourne 1st Sydney, Melbourne, UQ 5
1935 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 4 Sydney 4th Sydney 4
1934 Adelaide 1st Melbourne 5 Adelaide 1st Melbourne 5
1933 Brisbane 1st Melbourne 4 Brisbane 3rd Sydney, UQ 4
1932 Sydney 1st Melbourne 4 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 4
1931 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 4 Sydney 2nd Sydney 3
1930 Adelaide 4th Adelaide 5 Adelaide 2nd Sydney 4
1929 Hobart 1st Melbourne 5 Brisbane 1st Melbourne, UQ 4
1928 Brisbane 3rd Sydney 4 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 4
1927 Sydney 2nd Sydney 4 Sydney 2nd Sydney 3
1926 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 5 Brisbane 1st Melbourne 2
1925 Adelaide 1st Melbourne 5 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 3
1924 Brisbane 3rd UQ 4 Sydney 2nd Sydney 3
1923 Sydney 3rd Sydney 4 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 2
1922 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 4 Sydney 2nd Sydney 2
1921 Sydney 1st Melbourne 3 or 4 Melbourne 2nd Sydney 2
1920 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 4 Sydney 2nd Sydney 2
1919 Sydney 1st Melbourne 4 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 2
1915-18 (competition suspended due to World War 1)
1914 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 3 Sydney 1st Melbourne 2
1913 Sydney (tournament cancelled) Melbourne 1st Melbourne 2
1912 Adelaide 1st Melbourne 3 Sydney 1st Melbourne 2
1911 Melbourne 2nd Sydney 3 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 2
1910 Adelaide 2nd or 3rd Sydney 3 Sydney 2nd Sydney 2
1909 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 2 Melbourne 1st Melbourne 2
1908 Adelaide 2nd Adelaide 2 (no competition yet held)