Registration and fees
Hockey victoria Registration
Hockey Victoria registration is online through RevSPORT.
As part of the registration process, you will be required to pay Hockey Australia and Hockey Victoria levies. You will need either a credit card or debit card to make this payment. Help Guides on registration (including how to Dual Register, and an explanation from HV on the Individual Membership) are available on HV's membership site.
This registration includes a personal accident insurance component, so please register asap each season to ensure you are appropriately covered.
Fee waivers: If you are entitled to a fee waiver (for MUHC membership) you will still need to register with Hockey Victoria and pay the HA and HV levies.
Are you new to MUHC?
If you’re transferring from another club or association in Australia… you’ll be prompted to trigger a transfer request when starting your registration with MUHC. Once that’s been approved by your old club or association, you’ll then be able to complete your registration with MUHC.
If you’ve already registered with another club this year… contact the Secretary ( and provide your national ID number (you can find this by logging in to the registration portal and clicking ‘account’). If you’re unable to find this information, please contact your old club and request an email from them (e.g. from their secretary) approving your transfer to MUHC, and provide this email to us, along with your full name and date of birth, so that this can be processed by HV manually. Either way, you should wait for the clearance to be approved before then completing your registration with MUHC.
Otherwise... you can simply click on 'registration' and follow the prompts to create a new account and register.
Note: for new players who aren’t an Australian citizen and are seeking to play in Vic League or Reserves, you may also be required to provide a No Objection Certificate from your home national association to be eligible to play. Contact the Secretary ( if this may apply to you (once you’ve completed your registration).
2025 CLUB Fees
In addition to registering (and paying the HV individual membership fee), you will also need to pay the applicable MUHC membership fee. These cover the main ‘winter’ season (other competitions such as summer, term 1/4 etc. are paid separately). For any questions or issues with fees, please contact the Treasurer (
Membership Category | VL & VLR | Pennant & Metro | Masters | |||
FULL | 5-GAME | FULL | 5-GAME | FULL | 5-GAME | |
$549 (4 x $151) |
$181 | $439 (4 x $121) |
$145 | $389 (4 x $107) |
$128 |
$624 (4 x $172) |
$206 | $514 (4 x $141) |
$170 | $464 (4 x $128) |
$153 |
$699 (4 x $192) |
$231 | $589 (4 x $162) |
$194 | $539 (4 x $148) |
$178 |
$170 | $56 | $110 | $36 | $95 | $31 |
$0 |
Fees FAQs
Q: Is there a half-season fee option?
For half-season fees select 2 x ‘5-game’ memberships (rounds 1-10 or round 9+, perfect for those here on exchange or study abroad).
Q: When do I need to pay fees by?
Before you play your first game.
Q: What fees do I pay if I play both Pennant and VLR?
If you play more games in VL/VLR than in Pennant/Metro, you should pay the VL/VLR fees. If it turns out you paid the wrong one, you'll either be able to obtain a refund for or asked to pay the difference later in the season.
Q: What fees do I pay if I play both Masters and Seniors?
If you play more than 5 seniors’ games, you should pay the appropriate seniors fee (i.e. either Pennant/Metro or VL/VLR).
Q: Fees are more than in 2024, what's happened?
In addition to other standard increases on expenses, HV Team Entry increased by 4.5% in 2025. In addition to this the umpire payment rates set by Hockey Victoria for 2025 have also been increased across all grades again. (Our fees changed in 2023 to include umpiring payments (so no more game-day payments on top of your membership fees), top squad levy, and a modest increase to help cover the additional cost of playing and training at MSC-P for all teams.)
Q: Do I have to pay anything else on top of my membership fee in order to play?
You'll need to pay your HV/HA Individual Membership (as part of registration), and for any uniforms you require, but that's it (no game-day payments).
Q: Why are fees different for different teams?
To reflect the differences in umpiring and pitch hire costs across different teams (which previously was applied primarily through differences in game-day payments).
Q: Can I pay in instalments?
Yes! A 4-instalment option is available (charged every 5 weeks), though you do get a discount if you pay upfront.
Q: I paid a 5-game membership but now I want to upgrade it - can I?
Yes - just contact the Treasurer ( to arrange. You will also need to upgrade your HV/HA membership (which you can do via the registration portal).